Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Kitchen Table Recordings of America, Inc.

You know the phreekz are twisting the gain again, and you can eavesdrop on their disgusting sweat-saturated pajamas by travelling across the internet to our muxtape demo page right here

we are recording this record at the studio of our bass player Dana Monteith. He's a master knob-twiddler whose background includes Jam band life in the underground monster Jam combo The Ominous Seapods as well as a solo career in the sun-blasted cult of Country Rockers and Americana fiends.
Housed in Rensellaerville, NY, Dana's Kitchen Table Recordings of America Inc. is a beautiful place full of noise capturing faded arches and dusty post-war microphones.

Visit his page and send Dana a message if you'd like to plan your own session.

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